Bill Maher Biden Will Withdraw Because of MGS -- Mean Girls Syndrome


Bill Maher is not only positive it's only a matter of time before President Joe Biden withdraws from the 2024 presidential race, he knows the date it's gonna happen, and it's all because of Lindsay Lohan.

The "Real Time" host is confident because, he says, we live in a country where the media, the political parties and the public live to finish people off when they smell blood in the water.

He thinks Biden will throw in the towel on August 9 -- the same date Richard Nixon resigned his presidency.

BM concedes, it'll be a s**t show for a few days, but everything will quickly stabilize when a replacement candidate is selected. His metaphor for this point is hilarious!

Bill says the Dems have a HUUUUGE bench, including Veep Kamala Harris, whom Bill says not only fights for Plan B, she is Plan B!

And there's Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Wes Moore and many others.

Bill kinda looks at this like a long running sitcom -- it needs a new cast so the public will tune in.

So stay tuned!!!

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