Nine months after Elon Musk hooked up a remote Amazon tribe to the internet, there's been some major issues -- mainly a porn addiction ravaging the community's young men.

The Marubo tribe's elders have come forward to admit that while the Tesla founder's Starlink service was initially a huge celebration for them, it's all turned into a mess ... 'cause some of the previously chaste tribe's men are now displaying "aggressive sexual behavior."

One tribesman, Alfredo Marubo, spoke to The New York Times about it ... saying some men are even sharing explicit videos in group chats, and he's concerned they're gonna want to mimic the graphic content they're seeing on screen.

It's not just porn causing worry -- other issues range from kids playing violent shooter games to chatting with strangers online and getting addicted to their phones for hours.

According to another tribesman, Tsainama Marubo, they're also becoming lazy and adopting what he calls "the ways of the white people."

Despite the challenges, the internet's been a game-changer for the remote tribe in other areas ... such as allowing them to reach out for help in emergencies.

The WWW has also opened up a world of educational resources for them, connected them with family, and expanded their horizons beyond their immediate surroundings.

Looks like the Marubo tribe have found themselves caught between a byte and a dream as they navigate the online jungle of possibilities!

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