2023 App Store report shows rise in downloads, developers & removals

Apple's recent App Store Transparency Report highlights substantial increases in app downloads and registered developers, along with details on the latest app removals due to government takedowns.

Each year, Apple publishes its App Store Transparency Report, offering a comprehensive look into its operations. It provides valuable insights into user engagement, app reviews, developer activities, and other tidbits.

The company has released its transparency report for 2023, and it shows impressive growth in various numbers over 2022. For example, the App Store saw increased user engagement in 2023. Weekly visitors averaged 734,673,588, up from 656,739,889 in 2022.

Similarly, weekly app downloads rose to 787,999,950 from 747,873,877 the previous year, indicating a thriving market for app developers. Meanwhile, the number of registered Apple developers also experienced significant growth, reaching 42,219,169, up from 36,974,015 in 2022.

One statistic the company highlights is its efforts towards preventing fraud. In 2023, Apple's efforts in fraud prevention were substantial, preventing $1,838,127,451 worth of fraudulent transactions.

Next, the App Store reviewed 6,892,500 app submissions, rejecting 1,763,812 for various reasons. The primary grounds for rejection included 1,132,613 instances of performance issues, 295,497 apps with design concerns, and 103,629 counts of safety violations.

With the review process, 277,923 app submissions were eventually approved after addressing the initial rejection reasons.

In January 2023, Apple promised to provide more transparency on app removals from its store and why it does so. Games topped the list, with 17,853 removals, utilities at 17,779, and business apps at 10,560.

The primary reasons for these removals included 76,887 guideline violations related to design, 35,245 instances of fraud, and 1,156 counts of intellectual property infringement.

Government intervention was notable in app removals, with 14,629 apps taken down due to regulatory demands. Most of these removals — 12,851 apps — occurred in mainland China, where 1,067 game apps were removed for lacking a legally required GRN license.