BIN Weng, a Chinese national who was sentenced for illegally entering Guam by boat last year and was caught again attempting to illegally enter Guam by boat on Jan. 6, 2024, has departed the CNMI, U.S. Probation Officer Gregory Arriola told the District Court for the NMI in a status report.

Weng appeared before Guam Magistrate Judge Michael J. Bordallo on Jan. 9 for a petition for removal hearing. 

The court then signed a petition order of removal ordering that Weng be transported to the CNMI. 

On Jan.19, 2024, Weng appeared before Chief Judge Ramona V. Manglona for a revocation hearing. 

“During the hearing, the Court learned that the Department of Homeland Security had lodged a detainer against Mr. Weng and that there was a possibility of securing a return airline ticket to China for Mr. Weng on either Jan. 21 or 25, 2024,” Arriola said.

The court continued the matter to Jan. 29 and instructed the U.S. Probation Office to provide an update regarding Weng’s departure status. 

On Jan. 21, Arriola said he received confirmation from DHS that Weng had boarded an Asiana Airlines flight to China. 

“The email included Mr. Weng’s flight itinerary and a picture of him boarding his flight,” the probation officer added.

Judge Manglona, for her part, vacated the revocation hearing scheduled for Jan. 29 and denied the petition of the U.S. Probation Office for revocation of supervised release as moot.

Weng was among the 14 Chinese nationals who were charged with “engaging in a conspiracy [to transport, move, or attempt to transport or move] an alien within the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the alien came to, entered, and remained in the United States in violation of law.”

On Sept. 13, 2023, U.S. Homeland Security Investigations arrested them after they paid an undercover agent who was posing as a boat captain to transport them to Guam illegally.

HSI said 11 of the 14 entered the CNMI at various times and all had overstayed their legal status in the U.S.