ByteDance has fired 61 employees for violating laws and company policies, citing reasons including bribery and leakage of internal information, according to Chinese media outlets that quoted sources from the tech company. Four individuals face investigation due to illegal acceptance of income from external partners, while the company also found some staff had substantial reimbursement and taxi travel violations. The TikTok owner detailed the case of one of its employees, who lent his worker card to an outsider who then used it to eat at the company’s staff-only cafeteria 14 times, “misappropriating RMB 490 of ByteDance’s assets.” ByteDance said it has always maintained a “zero-tolerance” attitude towards corruption and bribery. In February, Tencent published more than 70 cases of corruption that it had investigated last year, with the company firing more than 120 employees in relation to these incidents. [Jiemian, in Chinese]