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In the 2024 New Hampshire primary Tuesday, an unhappy electorate, economy and immigration are the top issues. One in five voters made up their minds in the last few days. Most had decided before then, according to CBS News exit polling. 

This is a more moderate and more "independent" primary electorate, compared to Iowa.

Republican primary voters said they're dissatisfied with the country and the economy.

New Hampshire Republican primary voters are unhappy with how things are going in the country, including about a third who are angry about it, according to early exit polls. 


And their outlook about life for the next generation of Americans is pessimistic: more than half think life for them will be worse than it is today. 

Eight years ago, when GOP primary voters went to the polls to select a nominee, more expected life for the next generation to be better than worse. 

Some of this pessimism stems from economic anxiety: most have negative views of the nation's economy. And while six in 10 voters say their family finances are holding steady, few feel they are getting ahead. 


Top issues: economy and immigration

On the issues, the economy and immigration are the top issues for New Hampshire primary voters. These are the same issues that were most important to Iowa GOP caucus goers. 

Immigration is a driver, particularly for Trump voters.


President Biden and Democrats are focusing on the issue of abortion in the run-up to the general election, but it's not at top of mind for Republican primary voters. 

Trump's legal challenges: what do New Hampshire primary voters think?

The New Hampshire GOP electorate is divided on whether Trump is fit for the presidency if he's convicted of a crime. There's more concern in New Hampshire, compared to Iowa.

As Trump's legal woes mount, New Hampshire Republican primary voters express relatively more concern than Iowa caucusgoers did about Trump's fitness for presidency, were he to be convicted of a crime.

They are more currently split on whether Trump would be fit for the presidency if he were convicted.

More Iowa Republican voters dismissed Trump's legal woes: 65% said if Trump were to be convicted of a crime, he would still be fit for the presidency, according to entrance polls. 


Trump voters overwhelmingly think he would be fit for the presidency if he were to be convicted.
Most Haley voters disagree. They don't think he would be fit to serve as president if that were to happen.


Underpinning these views is that in this New Hampshire electorate currently, relatively more are inclined to believe Joe Biden was the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. In Iowa, two-thirds of Iowa caucusgoers didn't believe Biden legitimately won. 


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