I write a lot about technologies that I found hard to learn about. A while back my friend Sumana asked me an interesting question – why are these things so hard to learn about? Why do they seem so mysterious?

For example, take DNS. We’ve been using DNS since the 80s (for more than 35 years!). It’s used in every website on the internet. And it’s pretty stable – in a lot of ways, it works the exact same way it did 30 years ago.

But it took me YEARS to figure out how to confidently debug DNS issues, and I’ve seen a lot of other programmers struggle with debugging DNS problems as well. So what’s going on?

Here are a couple of thoughts about why learning to troubleshoot DNS problems is hard.

(I’m not going to explain DNS very much in this post, see Implement DNS in a Weekend or my DNS blog posts for more about how DNS works)

it’s not because DNS is super hard

When I finally learned how to troubleshoot DNS problems, my reaction was “what, that was it???? that’s not that hard!“. I felt a little bit cheated! I could explain to you everything that I found confusing about DNS in a few hours.

So – if DNS is not all that complicated, why did it take me so many years to figure out how to troubleshoot pretty basic DNS issues (like “my domain doesn’t resolve even though I’ve set it up correctly” or “dig and my browser have different DNS results, why?“)?

And I wasn’t alone in finding DNS hard to learn! I’ve talked to a lot of smart friends who are very experienced programmers about DNS of the years, and many of them either:

  • didn’t feel comfortable making simple DNS changes to their websites
  • or were confused about basic facts about how DNS works (like that records are pulled and not pushed)
  • or did understand DNS basics pretty well, but had the some of the same knowledge gaps that I’d struggled with (negative caching and the details of how dig and your browser do DNS queries differently)

So if we’re all struggling with the same things about DNS, what’s going on? Why is it so hard to learn for so many people?

Here are some ideas.

a lot of the system is hidden

When you make a DNS request on your computer, the basic story is:

  1. your computer makes a request to a server called resolver
  2. the resolver checks its cache, and makes requests to some other servers called authoritative nameservers

Here are some things you don’t see:

  • the resolver’s cache. What’s in there?
  • which library code on your computer is making the DNS request (is it libc getaddrinfo? if so, is it the getaddrinfo from glibc, or musl, or apple? is it your browser’s DNS code? is it a different custom DNS implementation?). All of these options behave slightly differently and have different configuration, approaches to caching, available features, etc. For example musl DNS didn’t support TCP until early 2023.
  • the conversation between the resolver and the authoritative nameservers. I think a lot of DNS issues would be SO simple to understand if you could magically get a trace of exactly which authoritative nameservers were queried downstream during your request, and what they said. (like, what if you could run dig +debug google.com and it gave you a bunch of extra debugging information?)

dealing with hidden systems

A couple of ideas for how to deal with hidden systems

  • just teaching people what the hidden systems are makes a huge difference. For a long time I had no idea that my computer had many different DNS libraries that were used in different situations and I was confused about this for literally years. This is a big part of my approach.
  • with Mess With DNS we tried out this “fishbowl” approach where it shows you some parts of the system (the conversation with the resolver and the authoritative nameserver) that are normally hidden
  • I feel like it would be extremely cool to extend DNS to include a “debugging information” section. (edit: it looks like this already exists! It’s called Extended DNS Errors, or EDE, and tools are slowly adding support for it.

Extended DNS Errors seem cool

Extended DNS Errors are a new way for DNS servers to provide extra debugging information in DNS response. Here’s an example of what that looks like:

$ dig @ xjwudh.com
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 39830
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
; EDE: 12 (NSEC Missing): (Invalid denial of existence of xjwudh.com/a)
;xjwudh.com.			IN	A

com.			900	IN	SOA	a.gtld-servers.net. nstld.verisign-grs.com. 1690634120 1800 900 604800 86400

;; Query time: 92 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Jul 29 08:35:45 EDT 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 161

Here I’ve requested a nonexistent domain, and I got the extended error EDE: 12 (NSEC Missing): (Invalid denial of existence of xjwudh.com/a). I’m not sure what that means (it’s some DNSSEC Thing), but it’s cool to see an extra debug message like that.

I did have to install a newer version of dig to get the above to work.

confusing tools

Even though a lot of DNS stuff is hidden, there are a lot of ways to figure out what’s going on by using dig.

For example, you can use dig +norecurse to figure out if a given DNS resolver has a particular record in its cache. seems to return a SERVFAIL response if the response isn’t cached.

here’s what that looks like for google.com

$ dig +norecurse  @ google.com
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 11653
;; flags: qr ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;google.com.			IN	A

google.com.		21	IN	A

;; Query time: 57 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Jul 28 10:50:45 EDT 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 55

and for homestarrunner.com:

$ dig +norecurse  @ homestarrunner.com
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 55777
;; flags: qr ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;homestarrunner.com.		IN	A

;; Query time: 52 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Jul 28 10:51:01 EDT 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 47

Here you can see we got a normal NOERROR response for google.com (which is in’s cache) but a SERVFAIL for homestarrunner.com (which isn’t). This doesn’t mean there’s no DNS record homestarrunner.com (there is!), it’s just not cached).

But this output is really confusing to read if you’re not used to it! Here are a few things that I think are weird about it:

  1. the headings are weird (there’s ->>HEADER<<-, flags:, OPT PSEUDOSECTION:, QUESTION SECTION:, ANSWER SECTION:)
  2. the spacing is weird (why is the no newline between OPT PSEUDOSECTION and QUESTION SECTION?)
  3. MSG SIZE rcvd: 47 is weird (are there other fields in MSG SIZE other than rcvd? what are they?)
  4. it says that there’s 1 record in the ADDITIONAL section but doesn’t show it, you have to somehow magically know that the “OPT PSEUDOSECTION” record is actually in the additional section

In general dig’s output has the feeling of a script someone wrote in an adhoc way that grew organically over time and not something that was intentionally designed.

dealing with confusing tools

some ideas for improving on confusing tools:

  • explain the output. For example I wrote how to use dig explaining how dig’s output works and how to configure it to give you a shorter output by default
  • make new, more friendly tools. For example for DNS there’s dog and doggo and my dns lookup tool. I think these are really cool but personally I don’t use them because sometimes I want to do something a little more advanced (like using +norecurse) and as far as I can tell neither dog nor doggo support +norecurse. I’d rather use 1 tool for everything, so I stick to dig. Replacing the breadth of functionality of dig is a huge undertaking.
  • make dig’s output a little more friendly. If I were better at C programming, I might try to write a dig pull request that adds a +human flag to dig that formats the long form output in a more structured and readable way, maybe something like this:
$ dig +human +norecurse  @ google.com 
  opcode: QUERY
  status: NOERROR
  id: 11653
  flags: qr ra

  google.com.			IN	A

  google.com.		21	IN	A
  EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512

  Time: Fri Jul 28 10:51:01 EDT 2023
  Elapsed: 52 msec
  Protocol: UDP
  Response size: 47 bytes

This makes the structure of the DNS response more clear – there’s the header, the question, the answer, and the additional section.

And it’s not “dumbed down” or anything! It’s the exact same information, just formatted in a more structured way. My biggest frustration with alternative DNS tools that they often remove information in the name of clarity. And though there’s definitely a place for those tools, I want to see all the information! I just want it to be presented clearly.

We’ve learned a lot about how to design more user friendly command line tools in the last 40 years and I think it would be cool to apply some of that knowledge to some of our older crustier tools.

dig +yaml

One quick note on dig: newer versions of dig do have a +yaml output format which feels a little clearer to me, though it’s too verbose for my taste (a pretty simple DNS response doesn’t fit on my screen)

weird gotchas

DNS has some weird stuff that’s relatively common to run into, but pretty hard to learn about if nobody tells you what’s going on. A few examples (there are more in some ways DNS can break:

  • negative caching! (which I talk about in this talk) It took me probably 5 years to realize that I shouldn’t visit a domain that doesn’t have a DNS record yet, because then the nonexistence of that record will be cached, and it gets cached for HOURS, and it’s really annoying.
  • differences in getaddrinfo implementations: until early 2023, musl didn’t support TCP DNS
  • resolvers that ignore TTLs: if you set a TTL on your DNS records (like “5 minutes”), some resolvers will ignore those TTLs completely and cache the records for longer, like maybe 24 hours instead
  • if you configure nginx wrong (like this), it’ll cache DNS records forever.
  • how ndots can make your Kubernetes DNS slow

dealing with weird gotchas

I don’t have as good answers here as I would like to, but knowledge about weird gotchas is extremely hard won (again, it took me years to figure out negative caching!) and it feels very silly to me that people have to rediscover them for themselves over and over and over again.

A few ideas:

  • It’s incredibly helpful when people call out gotchas when explaining a topic. For example (leaving DNS for a moment), Josh Comeau’s Flexbox intro explains this minimum size gotcha which I ran into SO MANY times for several years before finally finding an explanation of what was going on.
  • I’d love to see more community collections of common gotchas. For bash, shellcheck is an incredible collection of bash gotchas.

One tricky thing about documenting DNS gotchas is that different people are going to run into different gotchas – if you’re just configuring DNS for your personal domain once every 3 years, you’re probably going to run into different gotchas than someone who administrates DNS for a domain with heavy traffic.

A couple of more quick reasons:

infrequent exposure

A lot of people only deal with DNS extremely infrequently. And of course if you only touch DNS every 3 years it’s going to be harder to learn!

I think cheat sheets (like “here are the steps to changing your nameservers”) can really help with this.

it’s hard to experiment with

DNS can be scary to experiment with – you don’t want to mess up your domain. We built Mess With DNS to make this one a little easier.

that’s all for now

I’d love to hear other thoughts about what makes DNS (or your favourite mysterious technology) hard to learn.