One of the rewards in Apex Legends’ Season 3 Battle Pass appears to include a homage to a Mirage player’s fan art of the crafty character. A loading screen dedicated to Mirage was introduced in this season’s pass and gives a peek inside Mirage’s room where he has notes and letters from other people and all sorts of depictions hanging up around the interior. According to a player who shared some fan art a few months ago, one of the objects in Mirage’s room comes straight from their sketch of the character.

The player goes by the name orington_makings on Reddit and shared the post below that shows two images side by side. On the left is some fan art which they shared months ago that shows Mirage drawn on a piece of lined paper, and on the right is a close-up of the “Humble Witt” loading screen that’s available in this season’s battle pass.

Masive thanks to Apex for adding my little mirage drawing i made long ago into the game as a little easter egg in the first loading screen. I swear, that alone is now my permanent loading screen now!!! from r/apexlegends

Apex Legends’ loading screen can be seen in full here to show that the artwork is indeed in the image hanging on a mirror towards the top-left corner of the loading screen.

Since you can set different loading screens to be your permanent picks when you’re loading into a game, the player in question who came up with the original fan art said this one’s going to be their permanent selection now. They responded to another user in the comments to say that they didn’t receive any kind of heads up from Respawn Entertainment about the fan art being included, but they seem like they’re just happy to see it in the game at all. Respawn’s version of the image has a few extra details on it like a heart and a short message, possibly to avoid having it be a one-for-one remake of the fan art.


Season 3 went live in Apex Legends at the start of the month, so you’ve still got plenty of time to work through this battle pass if you haven’t started yet. Getting this loading screen will be simple enough if you’re a Mirage main since it’s only a Tier 2 reward from the free pass, so just playing a few games will have it added to your collection.

Respawn also gave a preview of an updated feature coming to the game soon when the Firing Range is introduced as a new training grounds to experiment with.