Fox Newser Jesse Watters’s racist foray into Chinatown to sample political opinion received the treatment from Comedy Central last night. Senior Media Correspondent Ronny Chieng hammered Watters for making fun of elderly Chinatown passersby who didn’t understand his questions, for his cockiness and for his relentless stereotyping. In one sequence, Watters asks a man, “Is it the year of the dragon?” The man doesn’t respond, apparently not understanding the question. Then Watters asks, “Rabbit?”

Chieng’s rejoinder: “No, it’s actually the year of ‘Go f— yourself.'”

That’s actually an appropriate level of anger for what Watters and his buddy Bill O’Reilly did earlier this week. All the more appropriate, in fact, in light of Watters’s attempt to answer his many critics:

My man-on-the-street interviews are meant to be taken as tongue-in-cheek and I regret if anyone found offense.

— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) October 5, 2016

There’s no tongue-in-cheek exemption for racial stereotyping, Jesse.