Rudy Giuliani says he is trying to get the Obama administration investigated over a 'massive corruption scandal' involving 'honey boy' Joe Biden

  • Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox News' Media Buzz on Sunday
  • He said he is trying to investigate a 'massive corruption scandal in the Obama administration' 
  • Giuliani claims that he wants authorities to look into a 'pay for play scheme' which he says involves former Vice President Joe Biden's brother James Biden 
  • He then claimed the media is 'corrupt' and has been covering up alleged wrongdoings in the Obama administration for years  
  • During the July call Trump repeatedly urged Ukrainian President Zelensky to investigate Biden's son Hunter's business dealings in the Ukraine  
  • Trump has repeatedly called the Ukraine allegations a 'witch hunt', insisting that he didn't do anything inappropriate during the 'perfect' phone call 

Published: 18:58 EDT, 6 October 2019 | Updated: 07:36 EDT, 7 October 2019

Rudy Giuliani says he's trying to get the Obama administration investigated as he launches yet another attack on the media. 

'I'm trying to investigate a massive corruption scandal in the Obama administration,' the president's personal lawyer said on Fox News' Media Buzz Sunday. 'The Washington press corps has been covering this up for the last three years.'   

Giuliani claims that he wants authorities to look into a 'pay for play scheme' which he says involves former Vice President Joe Biden' and his brother James Biden. 

He went on to call Biden the media's 'honey boy' and accused news outlets of ignoring allegations against the Bidens and the Obama administration's dealings in Ukraine, China and Romania for years. 

Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox News' Media Buzz on Sunday where he said he is trying to investigate the Obama administration 

Giuliani said he is trying to investigate a 'massive corruption scandal in the Obama administration' involving Joe Biden's brother James 

Giuliani was on Fox News defending President Trump's actions to ask the Ukrainian president and China to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden in a now-infamous July phone call.  

Giuliani and Trump insist that Biden and his son Hunter were engaged in nefarious business dealings in Ukraine and China

'There is nothing wrong...I mean, the fact is, the president of the United States has every right to ask countries to help us in a criminal investigation that should be undertaken,' Giuliani said. 

The former New York City mayor went on to attack the media for participating in an alleged cover up by not reporting about the allegations against Biden and his family.  

'The fact is this is not a political opponent. It didn't start that way. But the media, which is completely corrupt and completely biased - and you got like a really big story that's going to come out here about how corrupt this media is.'

'Allegation after allegation of corruption, never followed up, never looked at,' Giuliani added. 'About 100 newspaper articles going back to the '80s saying that [Joe Biden's] brother was selling his public office.'

Giuliani and Trump insist that Biden and his son Hunter were engaged in nefarious business dealings in Ukraine and China, which is why Trump said he asked both governments to look into the Bidens' business dealings there.

Giuliani claims that then-Vice President Joe Biden used his position in office to pressure the Ukrainian government into firing top prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Burisma. 

Joe Biden has acknowledges that he pressured Ukraine into firing Shokin, but denied that it had anything to do with his son Hunter's business dealings. 

'We weren't pressing Ukraine to get rid of a tough prosecutor. We were pursuing Ukraine to replace a weak prosecutor who wouldn't do the job,' Biden said on Wednesday.   

Trump has repeatedly called the Ukraine allegations a 'witch hunt', insisting that he didn't do anything inappropriate during the 'perfect' phone call

Giulini's interview comes just days after he slammed President Barack Obama, claiming he could have stopped or prevented a potential conflict between between Biden, his son Hunter and Ukraine. 

'The big question that has to be asked is, in 2015 when The New York Times first exposed the enormous conflict that [Joe] Biden had in Ukraine and criticized him - how could you have your son taking money from a corrupt oligarch? Why didn't Obama stop it? Any honest president would've stopped it,' he said Friday on Fox News. 

'Is it possible if we break this open we're going to find out the Obama administration might be one of the more corrupt administrations in a very long time?' he asked.

'Is it possible that Democrats would cover that up and fight for their lives and have Schiff going out violating laws in order to frame the president of the United States?' 
