The country is just over a week into the formal impeachment inquiry launched by Democrats in response to a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump and there's a lot we still don't know about the situation.

House Democrats are attempting to uncover more information about Trump's alleged promises to Ukraine in return for an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Here are the unanswered questions about the Ukraine controversy and the attempt to impeach Trump:

When will the House vote on impeachment?

In order for a Senate impeachment trial to take place, the House of Representatives must agree to draw up articles of impeachment, or a list of presidential offenses. This requires the votes of at least 218 Congressmembers.

Some lawmakers have said they hope the House will decide on the articles of impeachment by Thanksgiving.

And while Pelosi has said she wants the impeachment inquiry to move, "expeditiously," in reality the process could take months before it comes to a vote. 

It's hard to know when the House will conduct a vote, in part because of the efforts Trump administration officials may exert to combat the impeachment inquiry.

Congressional committees scheduled depositions and a hearing with a handful of officials who may have knowledge of the Ukraine situation even as Congress is scheduled for a two-week recess.

More:Mike Pompeo may be involved in 'blatant cover-up' Democrats charge in new salvo aimed at top diplomat

Democrats accused Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of "stonewalling" the investigation after he said he would fight requests to depose State Department workers. Pompeo called the deposition requests "an attempt to intimidate, bully and treat improperly the distinguished professionals of the Department of State."

Trump has also threatened litigation against his political opponents.

Who is the whistleblower?

Trump has repeatedly tried to cast doubt on the whistleblower's credibility by claiming that the complaint must have come from someone with political motives

But the identity of the whistleblower, who we know is employed within the intelligence community, remains a secret. Trump has said he is "trying to find out" the identity of the whistleblower and believes he has the right to meet with the individual who filed the complaint.

More:What Donald Trump has said about the anonymous whistleblower

Rep. Adam Schiff, the Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has said the whistleblower will testify before Congress "very soon," that testimony will be conducted behind closed doors. Lawmakers and the whistleblower's lawyers have expressed concerns over the safety and protection of privacy. 

More:How does Congress hear from anonymous witnesses? Trump whistleblower seeks protection from retaliation

What was Rudy Giuliani's full participation in Ukraine?

Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has been among the most vocal about the claims against the Bidens, without evidence.

He has repeatedly acknowledged speaking with Ukrainian officials about Biden. And, he is a central figure in the whistleblower's complaint.

House Democrats are looking to uncover more details about what Giuliani's role was in any pressure that was put on Ukraine to provide information on Biden. Giuliani says he met with Ukrainian officials under the instruction of the State Department and reported his conversations back.

More:Rudy Giuliani hires Watergate prosecutor to represent him in impeachment inquiry

He was subpoenaed by House Democrats for any documents related to his communications with Ukraine, including:

  • Any communications or documents related to Trump's decision, earlier this summer, to withhold nearly $400 million U.S. military assistance to Ukraine. Trump eventually released that money amid bipartisan pressure from Congress. 
  • Documents that would shed light on Trump's decision to send Energy Secretary Rick Perry, instead of Vice President Mike Pence, to Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky's inauguration in May.  
  • Communications Giuliani or his associates had with Attorney General William Barr or others at the Department of Justice about the Ukraine matter. Trump asked Zelensky in the July 25 call to work with Barr on a possible Biden probe. 

What did Mike Pence know and when?

Vice President Mike Pence has also been under growing scrutiny after a Washington Post report said that a Pence aide was one of the officials that listened in on Trump and Zelensky's July 25 phone call. The Post also reported that Trump used Pence to put pressure on Ukraine while he pursued other avenues to press the Biden investigation.

Pence met with Zelensky on a trip to Poland last month, but said he did not discuss Biden. He is mentioned exactly once in the whistleblower's complaint, which said that Trump instructed Pence to cancel a planned visit to Ukraine for Zelensky's inauguration, and Trump has referenced calls between Pence and Zelensky.

These are all interactions House Democrats hope to receive documents about from the White House.

And, some conservative commentators are wondering if Republican lawmakers will turn on Trump and turn to Pence for self-preservation. If Trump were removed from office, Pence would complete at least the remainder of the term as president.

More:VP Mike Pence backs inquiries into Biden, defends President Trump over Ukraine controversy

Why did Trump try to hide his 'perfect' phone call?

The whistleblower's complaint alleged that White House officials were “directed” to “lock down” records of Trump's phone call with Zelensky by placing it in a computer system reserved for highly classified information dealing with national security.

Trump and White House officials have sought to discredit the whistleblower and note that the president ultimately released a summary of the call, but they have not publicly explained why the notes of the call were initially squirreled away.

Experts say the higher-security system would have significantly limited the number of people with access to the document. The move could have been an effort to limit a leaks; other calls between Trump and foreign leaders have leaked.

It could have been part of a broader, unknown security policy by the administration. Or, as the whistleblower alleged, it could be White House officials understood the “gravity” of the call and wanted to keep it covered up.

More:'Lock down' of Ukraine call a sign 'they were at least thinking of a cover-up,' says former CIA director

Contributing: John Fritze, Maureen Groppe, Deirdre Shesgreen