Grab your snacks and wine, Bachelor Nation! It’s time to cozy up and read The Bachelor‘s highly-anticipated Hometown Week recap.

During Season 28, Episode 8, our guy Joey Graziadei jetted around the country to meet the loved ones of his four remaining contestants: Kelsey Anderson, Rachel Nance, Daisy Kent, and Maria Georgas.

After a series of heartwarming heart-to-hearts, difficult conversations, and exciting meet and greets with the families and friends of his final four women, Joey had to make his toughest elimination yet and say his hardest goodbye to a fan-favorite contestant ahead of Fantasy Suite week.

Looking for a recap of The Bachelor Episode 8? Wondering who got a rose? Who went home after Hometown Dates? And who’s headed to Fantasy Suites?

Decider’s The Bachelor Season 28, Episode 8 recap breaks down Joey’s biggest Hometown Date moments.

Kelsey Anderson‘s Hometown Date Recap: Kelsey And Joey Have Butterflies

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Kelsey’s Fam: Her dad Mark, brother Matthew, and sister Taylor

First up, Joey headed back to NOLA for another life changing one-on-one date. Last time he was here, he was spending crucial time with Charity Lawson ahead of The Bachelorette’s Hometown dates, but this time around he met Kelsey for a day of tandem bike riding, butterfly gazing, beignet tasting, and more. Kelsey’s mom died several years ago from cancer, so the day was extra emotional for her. The last time she rode a tandem bike was with her mom, and as we learned during a previous one-on-one, she saw butterflies as a sign that her mom was watching over her, so the fact that they were flapping their wings all over this pivotal date was truly touching. Another sign that she and Joey were meant to be came when they saw a woman wearing a wedding dress having her photos taken. The photoshoot helped put their journey into perspective and they toasted to a potential future together.

Joey talking to Kelsey A's dad
Photo: ABC

The two explored Bourbon Street a bit and settled at a bar to talk through the night ahead. Knowing the absence of her mom was weighing on her, Joey thoughtfully checked in on Kelsey’s emotions, and the two headed to meet her brother Matthew, her sister Taylor, and her father Mark for an incredibly moving and hopeful Hometown date. After Kelsey assured her family she wasn’t “kidnapped,” her dad gave her an album full of photos of her mom, and the Andersons took Joey on a trip down memory lane. Kelsey told her sister she was a bit uneasy at the thought of three women remaining, and Joey got gently grilled by Kelsey’s dad, who questioned him about the process, how he’ll know when he finds the one, and more. “I want everything I speak to have a lot of intention, but I am holding back because I’m trying to be aware of her heart,” Joey told Mark. He assured Kelsey’s dad his feelings for her are real, and Mark (who should 100% be our next Golden Bachelor lead) felt reassured after their chat, telling Kelsey he wants her to have the kind of love he had with her mom. After Kelsey and Joey touched in following the “great day,” Joey said he would count himself lucky to be part of the family.

Rachel Nance‘s Hometown Date Recap: “The Verdict Is Still Out”

Location: Rancho, Cucamonga, California

Rachel’s Fam: Her father Hakim, mom Noela, sister Amanda, nephew Liam, Uncle Al, and more loved ones

Next, stop? Rancho, Cucamonga, to meet Rachel’s family. Though she’s from Hawaii, she invited Joey to her “semi-home” in California and prepared him for a day of Filipino and Hawaiian culture. She advised Joey to call her dad Mr. Nance until he could say “uncle” and to greet her mom with a “mano po,” a Filipino sign of respect where someone grabs a person’s hand and touches it to their forehead upon meeting. She shared that the last guy she brought home got really close to her parents and they were almost engaged, so when they broke up, both her and her parents took it hard. Aside from the fact that they’re very traditional and don’t fully accept The Bachelor process (that Joey’s dating multiple girls at this late stage), Rachel warned that her parents’ biggest concern would be guarding her heart — and she was right!

Joey meeting Rachel's mother on 'The Bachelor'
Photo: ABC

The two were welcomed to a large backyard family barbecue where Rachel’s dad Hakim placed a flower crown on her head and Joey instantly impressed her mom Noela by remembering the mano po. In celebration of their Filipino culture, a full roasted pig was presented to the couple to honor the celebrant and welcome him to the family. Joey expressed his interest in Rachel by following tradition and eating the pig’s ear, which only impressed the Nance family more. After playing some games and doing a traditional Filipino dance, Rachel and Joey had some serious conversations with her parents. Rachel’s dad cautioned her to guard her heart, stressing the reality that three other women are still in the running but reminding her if the journey doesn’t end the way she wants, she can “go on with life” and will always have him and the family. Rachel’s mom shared her extreme hesitancy over The Bachelor process with Joey, and though he attempted to assure her he was being careful with Rachel’s heart, Noela told cameras “the verdict is still out” on him. When Joey asked Hakim for his blessing he told him to call him “man to man” if the time for that blessing came. Despite her parents’ warnings, though, Rachel sat with Joey after the date and decided not to play it safe. She told Joey she’s falling in love with him and he said after meeting her family he understands why she’s so amazing.

Daisy Kent‘s Hometown Date Recap: Best Christmas Ever (Again!)

Joey and Daisy kissing on 'The Bachelor'
Photo: ABC

Location: Becker, Minnesota

Daisy’s Fam: Her mom Julie, father Brandon, older sister Josephine, younger brother Harrison, grandpa Ted, and grandma Gloria

Christmas came early when Joey headed to Becker, Minnesota to meet Daisy at her family’s old Christmas tree farm. Following a horse-drawn carriage tour through Daisy’s childhood stomping grounds, the two visited Santa and Mrs. Claus, ate some cookies, made some ornaments, sipped hot cocoa, fed llamas, and made a wishing tree wish for their relationship to blossom into something beautiful. Before they went to meet the Kents, a group of Daisy’s friends surprised her and Joey at the farm and heard all about their romantic Bachelor adventure. Daisy tearfully told her pals that no matter what happens at the end of the journey, she’ll be forever grateful to Joey for changing her perspective of herself and her outlook on life.

Joey and Daisy meeting her family on 'The Bachelor'
Photo: ABC

Daisy’s family gave Joey a warm welcome, and Daisy tearfully celebrated hearing her brother’s voice sound normal for the first time since getting her cochlear implant. Like the rest of the parents, Daisy’s mom and dad were concerned over the three women still in the picture, but when Joey expressed his fear that Daisy was holding back in hopes of not getting hurt, both parents encouraged her to be vulnerable to the fullest extent so that if it didn’t work out she’d have no regrets. It wasn’t until Daisy admitted she thinks she’s in love with Joey during a heartwarming heart-to-heart with her dad that she found the clarity she needed. “Shoot the shot and if you nail it then it’s all the marbles,” her dad said. “It’s not like you’re gonna lose your hearing over it…it’s only love” he added before the two burst into giggles. When Daisy and Joey left, Daisy sat him down and said, “I want you to know I am falling in love with you, and I’ve been falling in love with you… Regardless of what happens I’m just gonna go for it wholeheartedly because I think there’s something amazing here and I want to see what it could be.” Joey told Daisy he feels the same way and the two sealed the dream date with a kiss.

Maria Georgas‘ Hometown Date Recap: One Big Fat Greek/Italian Wedding

Location: Niagara Falls, New York

Maria’s Fam: Her dad Nick, mom Lori, brothers Steven and Soto, and friend Brittany

Last but certainly never least, Joey jetted off to Niagara Falls to meet Maria after a confusing week that tested their relationship. After riding the Maid of the Mist, taking shots of Canadian whiskey, and kissing beneath a rainbow, the two sat down for a deep talk in hopes of gaining some much needed clarity before Joey met the family. Maria assured Joey he’s the epitome of everything she wants in a man and reiterated that the pressure of seeing his connection with other women last week got the best of her. She also told Joey she’d never brought someone home to meet her family, which made him realize how closed off she’s been with others.

Joey and Nick Georgas hugging
Photo: ABC

And now, the family member we’ve all been waiting for: Maria’s dad, Nick Georgas. Before his daughter and her new man arrived, The Bachelor showed the intimidating sprinkle company owner seated around the dinner table with his family discussing the night ahead. “It’s never happened before,” he said the idea of Maria and Joey hand-in-hand came up. “She’s never brought home a guy. I’ve never seen Maria affectionate with a guy — oh no, that’s for sure. Very soon we’re gonna see them together, and then we’ll know. I’ll know.” With dramatic Italian music playing him out, Maria and Joey arrived and greeted the family. Joey, bless his heart, gave Nick a bottle and said, “I heard this is one of your favorites,” prompting Nick to reply, “No, THIS is one of my faves,” placing his hand on Maria. “You have the most important thing in my life in my hands,” he explained. “The last thing I want to see is my kid get hurt.”

Despite Nick Georgas’ first impression, Maria’s dad turned out to be quite gentle. After a feast of  spaghetti, meatballs, and stuffed peppers that Joey told America were better than his own mother’s, Nick and Joey talked about how special Maria is, and the challenge of — yep, you guessed it — three other girls in the picture. Joey told Nick he has no intention of misleading the ladies with premature “I love yous,” but he can see a life with Maria and fears she won’t fully open up with him. Joey also asked Nick for his blessing should he and Maria make it to the end. “The way I see Maria tonight, I haven’t seen her that way with anybody,” the sprinkle boss said. “If I know you’re the man she chooses I would have no problems giving you my blessing… and we’re gonna have one big fat Greek/Italian wedding and have you be part of this family.” In an emotional chat with Maria, Nick encouraged her to put her guard down. She and Joey watched old family movies before saying goodbye to the family, and though she had every intention of telling Joey she was falling in love with him, Maria held back again. “I want to tell him how I feel, but why am I so worried? I don’t know why I didn’t say it. I just froze,” she told the cameras. “I feel like I regret that.”

The Bachelor Season 28, Episode 8 Rose Ceremony Recap: Who Went Home After Hometown Dates?

In keeping with franchise tradition, Hometown Week ended with everyone meeting in an airplane hangar in Los Angeles for the most dramatic rose ceremony yet. Before Joey handed out his first Fantasy Suite stem, Maria asked him to talk, and the two went behind an aircraft where Maria whispered she regrets not telling him she’s falling in love with him. A visibly torn Joey hung back a few minutes and digested her words before returning to the women and handing out roses. First, he called Daisy. Next, Kelsey. And finally, Rachel, which meant it was the end of the road for Maria.

He walked her out and told her the decision was incredibly difficult for him, but explained they’ve had a bumpy road and he ultimately felt they didn’t get to the point of seeing and trusting in their future together. “Even though you didn’t say what you said tonight, I hope you know that I was trying my best to get there,” he said. “It feels wrong in some ways, it’s tough.” Maria told him she was fine and got in the car, leaving without so much as a hug. “I’m confused. I came here, showed all of me, told him I am falling in love with him, and if that’s not enough for him what more can I give this man?” she told cameras. “I should have told him a lot sooner how I felt, and that’s my biggest regret.”

After his most fulfilling, toughest week yet, Joey is headed to Tulum, Mexico with his three remaining women for potential Fantasy Suite dates, a visit from familiar Golden Bachelor faces, and even more drama.