科学 ニュース

Machine learning, quantum computing may transform health care, including diagnosing pneumonia
2024-03-19 13:59:02
Pneumonia, an infection in the lungs that causes difficulty breathing, is most commonly diagnosed through chest X-rays. Typically, those chest X-rays are read by radiologists, but workforce shortages mean that in the future, it could be harder to get a diagnosis in a timely manner.
Images taken deep inside melted Fukushima reactor show damage, but leave many questions unanswered
2024-03-19 13:59:02
Images taken by miniature drones from deep inside a badly damaged reactor at the Fukushima nuclear plant show displaced control equipment and misshapen materials but leave many questions unanswered, underscoring the daunting task of decommissioning the plant.
An AI robot is spotting sick tulips to slow the spread of disease through Dutch bulb fields
2024-03-19 13:59:01
Theo works weekdays, weekends and nights and never complains about a sore spine despite performing hour upon hour of what, for a regular farm hand, would be backbreaking labor checking Dutch tulip fields for sick flowers.
Researchers develop brain-inspired wireless system to gather data from salt-sized sensors
2024-03-19 13:40:13
Tiny chips may equal a big breakthrough for a team of scientists led by Brown University engineers. Writing in Nature Electronics, the research team describes a novel approach for a wireless communication network that can efficiently transmit, receive and decode data from thousands of microelectronic chips that are each no larger than a grain of salt.
Nuclear weapons in space are bad news for the entire planet
2024-03-19 13:31:30
Clouds of debris could cut off access to space.
New telerobotic system for hazardous waste clean-up successfully demonstrated
2024-03-18 21:33:00
Because they can go where humans can't, robots are especially uniquely suited for safely working with hazardous nuclear waste. But first, those robots need to become like the humans they are replacing, with arms and fingers that can closely mimic the movements of a person.
Pan-sharpening methodology enhances remote sensing images
2024-03-18 21:32:41
Researchers led by Prof. Xie Chengjun and Assoc. Prof. Zhang Jie from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have introduced an innovative pan-sharpening method to improve remote sensing images.
Self-heating concrete is one step closer to putting snow shovels and salt out of business
2024-03-18 21:32:12
There's a patch of concrete on Drexel University's campus that could portend a frost-free future for sidewalks and highways in the Northeast.
New algorithm unlocks high-resolution insights for computer vision
2024-03-18 21:32:01
Imagine yourself glancing at a busy street for a few moments, then trying to sketch the scene you saw from memory. Most people could draw the rough positions of the major objects like cars, people, and crosswalks, but almost no one can draw every detail with pixel-perfect accuracy. The same is true for most modern computer vision algorithms: They are fantastic at capturing high-level details of a scene, but they lose fine-grained details as they process information.
Sustainable biomass production capacity could triple US bioeconomy, report finds
2024-03-18 21:32:01
The United States could triple its current economy by producing more than 1 billion tons per year of plant-based biomass for renewable fuels while meeting projected demands for food, feed, fiber, conventional forest products, and exports, according to the Department of Energy's latest Billion-Ton Report led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Analysis of transient linear flow-oriented straight-line analysis technique to capture fracking data
2024-03-18 21:32:00
As an efficacious solution to conventional resource depletion, unconventional reservoirs have emerged in a dominant role in furnishing substantial oil and gas supplies worldwide.
Can we protect and profit from the oceans?
2024-03-18 18:57:10
What the UN is missing with its plan to save the seas
Enhancing rechargeable batteries with carbon solutions
2024-03-18 18:56:59
In a new review published in Resources Chemicals and Materials, a team of researchers from China examined the potential of biomass-derived carbon materials for high-performance rechargeable battery electrodes.
New technique helps AI tell when humans are lying
2024-03-18 18:56:59
Researchers have developed a new training tool to help artificial intelligence (AI) programs better account for the fact that humans don't always tell the truth when providing personal information. The new tool was developed for use in contexts when humans have an economic incentive to lie, such as applying for a mortgage or trying to lower their insurance premiums.
Reimagining the future of solar energy
2024-03-18 17:19:34
Scientists are always on the lookout for ways to make our world a better place, and one area they're focusing on is solar energy. One idea in this area is to make solar cells more efficient by concentrating more solar light on them.
Emissions impossible? How the transport sector can help make the 2050 net-zero goal a reality
2024-03-18 17:00:26
Meeting Canada's ambitious net-zero emissions target by 2050 necessitates significant technological, behavioral and systemic changes in the transportation sector, a major contributor to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Indeed, the transportation sector alone is responsible for a quarter of all GHG emissions worldwide, with road transport accounting for about 80 percent of this figure.
Machine learning model detects indoor or outdoor walks based only on movement data
2024-03-18 16:44:21
The wide availability of wearable sensors allows for rich data collection on a person's walking patterns, providing valuable health insights. But factors like location, terrain or the built environment alter walking behavior, making data difficult to interpret without context.
Bridge in a box: Unlocking origami's power to produce load-bearing structures
2024-03-18 16:44:20
For the first time, load-bearing structures like bridges and shelters can be made with origami modules—versatile components that can fold compactly and adapt into different shapes—University of Michigan engineers have demonstrated.
Research could advance soft robotics manufacturing and design
2024-03-18 16:44:19
Soft robots use pliant materials such as elastomers to interact safely with the human body and other challenging, delicate objects and environments. A team of Rice University researchers has developed an analytical model that can predict the curing time of platinum-catalyzed silicone elastomers as a function of temperature. The model could help reduce energy waste and improve throughput for elastomer-based component manufacturing.
New composite decking could reduce global warming effects of building materials
2024-03-18 11:23:33
Buildings and production of the materials used in their construction emit a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2), a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming and climate change. But storing CO2 in building materials could help make them more environmentally friendly.

Showing 1801 to 1820 of 2530 results

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