Talent Masters

Image Credit: Talent Masters

Do you know if your business is a Creative Cloud or a Steadfast Traditional? You should. It’s not just a matter of office décor or dress code—it’s about the pulse that courses through your organization’s veins. Talent Masters, a top recruiting and HR consulting firm, offers a Culture Assessment that will change the way you hire and retain employees.

The secret is a hiring process that doesn’t just build a team but creates a community—a community of people who not only fit into your organization but thrive within it. That’s exactly what Talent Masters’ trademarked Culture Assessment Program achieves. 

Backed by extensive research and developed by Organizational Psychologists, this innovative approach ensures that every hire leads you to a more cohesive, productive, and satisfied workforce.

”Culture has become a corrupted term in recent years, but this is because people have started to use it to hide discrimination.  A young CEO might discount an older executive claiming that they might not ‘fit their culture’ when really they just want someone younger.  This is not what culture is.   At Talent Masters, we understand that culture is not about ‘sameness’—and it’s this misunderstanding that is holding both candidates and businesses back,” explains Dr. Darla Shaw, Co-Founder and CEO of Talent Masters. “Our Culture Assessment Program goes beyond surface-level assessments to uncover the deeper motivations and work styles of candidates, ensuring a harmonious fit from day one.”

So why is culture fit so crucial? For starters, it can save you a bundle in turnover costs. According to the Society for Human Resources Management, mismatches in culture fit can cost up to 50-60% of an employee’s annual salary in turnover costs alone. By ensuring a harmonious fit from the start, Talent Masters helps organizations avoid these financial pitfalls and build a more stable and engaged workforce.

But it’s not just about saving money—culture fit also drives engagement and productivity. Deloitte reports that their research has found that 88% of employees believe that a strong company culture is crucial to business success. A positive work culture leads to higher employee engagement, directly improving productivity and profitability.

“Our Culture Assessment Program isn’t just about assessing your current culture—it’s about giving you the tools and insights you need to improve it,” says Shaw. “From department-level breakdowns to individualized employee profiles, we provide actionable recommendations for enhancing culture alignment and increasing engagement.”

Crafted by a team of organizational psychologists, the Company Culture Archetypes help organizations better understand their unique culture type and how it impacts employee engagement and satisfaction.

“Each organization has its own unique culture, its own vibe,” explains Shaw. “Understanding and embracing that culture is crucial to building a happy and engaged workforce.”

Shaw breaks down the Archetypes for us. See if you recognize your company culture in the descriptions.

In the Creative Cloud, agility reigns supreme. Here, there’s minimal hierarchy, open communication, and an emphasis on creativity, innovation, and diversity. It’s a place where ideas flow freely, and collaboration is key. This culture is best exemplified by an innovative marketing start-up.

Next, there’s the Steadfast Traditional culture. Highly structured and focused on stability, this archetype values processes and long-term planning. It’s a place characterized order and predictability, providing a stable foundation. Most large corporations end up being Steadfast Traditional cultures once they reach a certain size.

Meanwhile, the Blazing Performance culture is all about energy and results. Fast-paced and goal-oriented, this archetype thrives on ambition and drive, pushing individuals to reach new heights of success. A good example of a Blaze Performance culture would be a brokerage firm. 

Conversely, the Flow Innovation culture is less about energy and is characterized by constant evolution.  Flow cultures are quick to adopt new ideas, and embrace change with open arms. It’s a dynamic and fluid environment where creativity and results coexist in perfect harmony. Interestingly, most start-ups are Flow Innovators; some will change into other cultures once established, and others will remain agile. 

Finally, the Harmony Balance strikes a delicate equilibrium between creativity and productivity. Here, consensus, mission, and purpose take center stage, fostering an environment where individuals thrive while working towards common goals.

“Understanding your organization’s culture archetype is key to building a stable workforce that retains employees for the long-term,” says Shaw. “Our Culture Assessment Program basically ensures that your hires aren’t just the most promising resume from a stack, but a carefully curated addition to your organization’s culture and community.”

To learn more about the Talent Masters Cultural Assessment and how your company can benefit, visit talentmasters.com.