Rudy Gobert missed Game 2 of the Wolves series against the Nuggets to be there for the birth of his child, but it’s the interesting timing of the birth that has people a little curious on Tuesday morning.

That’s because nine months ago, almost to the day, he hit his first three pointer and had a curious quote about it.

Everyone was all over Gobert’s quote back in August of 2023. It came following a game for France during the FIBA World Cup, and the shot marked the very first time Rudy had ever hit a shot from deep.

“Tonight I feel like I lost my virginity,” Gobert said.

Now, we all assumed this was an obvious (albeit a little odd) reference. Naturally one would assume that he was discussing how it felt to do something for the first time. But what if, WHAT IF he was just talking. What if Rudy was just causally saying “tonight I feel like I lost my virginity” because he actually lost his virginity that day?

First off: Congrats on the sex, Rudy — but also this is possible.

The birth of Rudy’s baby is his first child, so we have no concrete evidence the man had sex prior to that night. If there is concrete evidence out there please don’t send me Rudy Gobert sex tapes. I’m good. Just saying, there’s at least an outside possibility that Rudy was either so energized from hitting that three that he had sex after the game, or hitting the three made him think “I’d like to do other things for the first time as well.”

Or this is all just a coincidence. Which it probably is. Still, we can dream.