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Those who are old enough might remember when "The Facebook" was a more exclusive club—one where only American college kids could post raucous party pix, browse through a crush's public photo albums or track down childhood friends with a few clicks. Twenty years after the social media juggernaut's launch, Facebook users can still do all that—except now they're 40% of the world's population.

That massive user base powered the pioneering social media company's evolution from a way to connect with friends to a force in the political world as well: first for organizing against oppressive regimes, but then co-opted as a tool of extremists and trolls to disrupt democratic elections and spread conspiracy theories.

Despite its diminished popularity and reputation in the United States—it lost daily users for the first time in late 2021—Facebook remains a formidable global influence. As of 2023, it had 3 billion monthly active users and nearly a billion more across parent company Meta's other platforms, which include WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger and Threads.

As Facebook turns 20 on Feb. 4, information studies Assistant Professor Cody Buntain, an expert on how people use social media during crises and , spoke to Maryland Today about how the website transformed our societal interactions while squandering its potential as a force for positive change—and how more transparency could help it find a way back.

What was the internet landscape like in 2004, and what made Facebook stand out?

It was a much less interactive place. Some news sites had rapidly updated pages, but most didn't. There was no reason to go to the same site later that day, or even a few days later. Facebook was one of the early movers where you could go and see what people were posting very quickly. There was a clear social element that wasn't available before: You didn't have to directly engage with someone to see what they were talking about or doing. It lowered the barrier for connection in many ways.

What has been its global impact?

As Facebook extended beyond the borders of the United States, Canada, Western Europe, it filled the same sort of niche: social connection. But as it grew into developing nations, you see a blurring of the lines between Facebook and the (broader) internet. For example, in countries like India or Myanmar, or throughout Latin America, the company would subsidize the rollout of internet infrastructure to villages, or pay mobile phone providers so users could access Facebook without being subject to data limitations; then you're incentivized to check it first for news or buy a product. It becomes your window to the world.

Since the 2016 election, Facebook's reputation has taken a hit, at least in the United States. What has been Facebook's trajectory over its history?

From around 2005 to 2008, after it opened to the general public, it became more and more popular. Then around 2008, the major media elite and politicians start to use it, realizing its power. Around 2011, the Arab Spring happens, and you see it become a tool of the masses to push back against power. There was a motto at the time: We use YouTube to broadcast the revolution, Facebook to organize it and Twitter to share it.

But by 2014, we start to see social media isn't the beacon of liberalization it might be. The countries that experienced uprisings generally didn't come out well in the end. And in the U.S., you start to see divisiveness in the online political space. One of the values that social media provides is that people who need social support, who are marginalized, can find it. But it also allows people on the political extremes to find their brethren. By 2016, it's clear that platforms, including Facebook, are being used by active foreign nations, like the Russians, to influence the U.S. presidential election. It's a bellwether moment.

Citation: Q&A: To like or not to like—Facebook at 20 (2024, February 5) retrieved 5 February 2024 from https://techxplore.com/news/2024-02-qa-facebook.html

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