Trade unions can contribute to productivity and technological development
Correlation between estimated risk of automation and a measure of routine task intensity. Note: The bubbles represent occupations, the size of which determined by their relative frequencies in the data. Credit: Labour Economics (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102386

The Swedish trade union IF Metall is demanding that a collective agreement be established with Tesla, but the electric car manufacturer is refusing to collaborate. As a result, well over a hundred Swedish Tesla workers have been on strike since late October.

Trade unions from several Nordic countries have recently supported the demand. In addition, the Norwegian United Federation of Trade Unions recently announced that they too will initiate a Tesla boycott if a collective is not in place soon.

However, Tesla shows no signs of giving in to the demands. On the contrary, the electric car manufacturer appears to be stepping up its opposition.

Cultural differences and poor knowledge of the Nordic working life model are among the reasons why Tesla is digging its heels in, says Fredrik Bakkemo Kostøl, a researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Gjøvik.

American and Norwegian trade unions are different

Fredrik Bakkemo Kostøl works at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management. His research interests include the Norwegian model and how affect companies' productivity and . His work is published in the journal Labour Economics.

"The trade unions still hold quite a bit of sway in the in the United States. As a car manufacturer, Tesla should therefore be well acquainted with the trade union movement," says Kostøl.

Elon Musk is against trade unions because he believes they create conflict in the workplace.

"At the same time, we are used to trade unions both operating and being treated in quite a different way in the United States," Kostøl explains, citing union busting as an example:

"In the United States, employees working in companies that do not voluntarily facilitate unionization must vote on whether to join a union or not. There have been quite a few examples of employers hiring lawyers who are experts in making sure the unions lose these elections. It is a form of criminalization of the trade unions that would have been completely inconceivable in Norway," says Kostøl.

Elected in Norway, hired in the United States

He also points out differences in the way the trade union movement operates.

"While union representatives in Norway are voted for by their colleagues, the people they will represent, union representatives in the United States are more like hired consultants who the unions send into workplaces to safeguard the employees," says Kostøl.

"Seeing as the decision to join a trade union is determined through an election, the distinction between unionized and non-unionized employees can quickly become more pronounced in the United States than we are used to here in Norway," says Kostøl.

That might help explain Tesla owner Elon Musk's recent statements that he is against unions because they create conflict in the workplace.

Establishing a collective agreement is absolutely crucial

However, according to research conducted by Kostøl and his colleague Elin Svarstad, Musk's description does not reflect the way trade unions influence companies in the Nordic countries.

On the contrary, their findings indicate that a collective agreement can help improve collaboration within a company.

"There are good reasons to believe that the institutional framework established by collective agreements helps improve working conditions in a company. The establishment of a fixed framework for collaboration, communication and participation becomes a formal recognition of the employees' importance to the company."

More information: Fredrik B. Kostøl et al, Trade Unions and the Process of Technological Change, Labour Economics (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102386

Citation: Trade unions can contribute to productivity and technological development (2024, January 30) retrieved 30 January 2024 from

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