
Electric trucks: How many fast-charging locations are needed in Europe?
2024-07-15 20:10:16
A new joint study by Fraunhofer ISI and Amazon provides critical insights as to the optimal number and location of public fast-charging stations required to enable the widespread electrification of long-haul trucking in Europe.
The Trump shooting: what happened and what’s next
2024-07-15 18:15:51
Images and on-the-ground reporting have spread quickly across social media platforms, as well as massive amounts of false information.
FBI is working to break into the phone of the Trump rally shooter
2024-07-15 18:15:51
Investigators in Pennsylvania were unable to open it.
The Trump rally shooter had a Discord account, company says
2024-07-15 18:15:51
Discord says there’s no evidence the attack was planned on the platform.
NASA cloud-based platform could help streamline, improve air traffic
2024-07-15 18:15:11
Just like your smartphone navigation app can instantly analyze information from many sources to suggest the best route to follow, a NASA-developed resource is now making data available to help the aviation industry do the same thing.
Self-organizing drone flock demonstrates safe traffic solution for smart cities of the future
2024-07-15 18:14:01
After creating the world's first self-organizing drone flock, researchers at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary have now also demonstrated the first large-scale autonomous drone traffic solution. This fascinating new system is capable of far more than what could be executed with human pilots.
Shedding light on deepfake detection
2024-07-15 18:13:57
The emergence of so-called deepfake technology, which commonly involves the generation of fake images, video, and sound that seem so authentic as to confuse even expert viewers and listeners, is at the point where it can influence important aspects of our lives, such as politics, finance, and beyond.
OpenAI whistleblowers ask SEC to investigate the company's non-disclosure agreements with employees
2024-07-15 18:13:56
OpenAI whistleblowers have filed a complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission and asked the agency to investigate whether the ChatGPT maker illegally restricted workers from speaking out about the risks of its artificial intelligence technology.
A new neural network makes decisions like a human would
2024-07-15 18:13:56
Humans make nearly 35,000 decisions every day, from whether it's safe to cross the road to what to have for lunch. Every decision involves weighing the options, remembering similar past scenarios, and feeling reasonably confident about the right choice. What may seem like a snap decision actually comes from gathering evidence from the surrounding environment. And often the same person makes different decisions in the same scenarios at different times.
苹果 iPhone 初代发布会 - 4K AI 修复画质增强版
2024-07-15 17:59:04
2007 年的今天,苹果初代 iPhone 发售。刚才在 Bilibili 找到了一个 AI 修复画质后的 4K 版发布会视频,又能重温乔布斯的演讲了。【4K】iPhone发布15周年纪念《2007年史蒂夫·乔布斯iPhone初代发布会》AI修复画质增强版】[separ......苹果fans博客
iCloud 相册与 Google Photos 支持照片/视频互相迁移
2024-07-15 17:59:04
感谢欧盟的新法规,要求 IT 巨头们允许用户自由迁移。我们非欧盟用户也能把视频和照片在 iCloud 相册 - Google Photo 之间在线迁移了。迁移过程中不需要用户自己下载和上传相册,迁移完成后原数据不会被删除。详细介绍看苹果官网吧:把照片和视频从 iCloud 复制到 Google Photos苹果fans博客
New soft multifunctional sensors mark a step forward for physical AI
2024-07-15 15:46:22
Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev's Physical AI (PAI) Lab, led by Dr. Aslan Miriyev, have developed multifunctional material-sensors that emulate the complex capabilities of natural systems, advancing the field of physical AI.
Training AI requires more data than we have—generating synthetic data could help solve this challenge
2024-07-15 15:46:22
The rapid rise of generative artificial intelligence like OpenAI's GPT-4 has brought remarkable advancements, but it also presents significant risks.
Amazon’s carbon emissions fell last year
2024-07-15 14:49:09
They’re still a lot higher than they were before it made a climate pledge.
Open-TeleVision allows VR-type control of remote robot
2024-07-15 14:21:30
A combined team of roboticists from MIT and the University of California, San Diego, has developed a new type of remote control for robots called Open-TeleVision that allows for VR-type control. The team has posted a paper describing their robot system on the arXiv preprint server. They also posted videos on YouTube showing the robot and its pilot in action.
Face mask effectiveness: What science knows now
2024-07-15 13:57:46
Does wearing a face mask help to prevent COVID? Four years after the pandemic began, here's what scientists have learned.
Justice Department presents plea deal to Boeing over alleged violations of deferred prosecution agreement
2024-07-15 13:57:45
The Justice Department has presented Boeing with a plea deal in which the company would plead guilty to a conspiracy charge, pay a fine and enter a three-year probation period.
Flexible, permeable and 3D integrated electronic skin combines liquid metal circuits with fibrous substrates
2024-07-15 13:33:33
In recent years, research teams worldwide have been trying to develop new flexible and soft electronics. These devices could have various potential applications, for instance helping doctors to monitor their patients' health conditions or supporting rehabilitation and performance sports.
What's next in AI: Can we become virtually immortal? Do we want to?
2024-07-15 13:33:33
Question: If you could create an AI twin of yourself, would you?
Five things to know about the AT&T data breach
2024-07-15 13:33:33
AT&T says calls and text message records for tens of millions of the phone service provider's customers were exposed in a massive data breach two years ago.

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