Learn to Trust Your Instincts as a New Developer

When you’re just starting out as a developer, it can be easy to assume that you don’t know enough to trust your instincts. The truth is, your gut reactions to certain tasks — like thinking, “This seems much harder than it should be”— can be one of the best signals that something isn’t quite right. Maybe you don’t yet have the experience to identify the solution immediately. However, recognizing inefficiencies or frustrations can be the first step to finding a better way of doing things. Leaning into trusting your instincts as a new developer can lead you to grow your skills faster.

Frustration as a Signal

Recently, there have been a few times I’ve found myself doing something and thinking, “This kinda sucks… but I can’t think of another option.” It turns out, that frustration is actually a good thing. It’s a sign that you’re starting to identify where processes or code patterns don’t flow well. Even though you might not know exactly how to make things better, realizing something is off is the first step toward improving it.

Learning to Ask for Help

When you feel like something’s off but you’re not sure what, this is the perfect time to ask for help. For me, building trust with my tech lead has been essential in these moments. I’m more comfortable sharing, “I don’t know exactly what’s wrong, but this doesn’t feel quite right,” even when I don’t feel like I have quite the right language to express it. This openness has led to productive conversations where we can explore alternative solutions together.

Things You Can’t Fix

Sometimes, during these discussions, we discover that the solutions are out of our control. For example, there might be a better solution that requires modifying another team’s code, or technical limitations may restrict us from pursuing a more efficient approach. These situations can still be valuable learning opportunities to weigh the pros and cons and determine how to minimize the pain of whatever clunky thing you’re working with.

Final Thoughts

Trusting your instincts as a new developer isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about recognizing when things could be better and asking for help when needed. Those moments of doubt and frustration are valuable—they show that you’re paying attention, thinking critically, and want to improve.

The more you learn to trust those instincts and ask questions when something doesn’t feel right, the faster you’ll grow as a developer. So the next time you feel like you’re hitting a roadblock or using a solution that feels wrong, take that as a sign. There’s probably a better way, and it’s the perfect moment to learn something new.

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