विज्ञान समाचार

Squishy, metal-free magnets to power robots and guide medical implants
2024-01-16 16:21:45
"Soft robots," medical devices and implants, and next-generation drug delivery methods could soon be guided with magnetism—thanks to a metal-free magnetic gel developed by researchers at the University of Michigan and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, Germany.
Engineers propose hybrid urban water sourcing model using reclaimed wastewater
2024-01-16 16:21:44
Houston's water and wastewater system could be more resilient with the development of hybrid urban water supply systems that combine conventional, centralized water sources with reclaimed wastewater, according to a study by Rice University engineers now published in Nature Water.
Los Angeles' renewable energy plan won't tank the economy, study finds
2024-01-16 16:21:44
The City of Los Angeles' plan to rely entirely on renewable electricity sources by 2035 won't have a significant effect on the local economy, according to new research from the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy.
Advancement in thermoelectricity could light up the Internet of Things
2024-01-16 10:03:41
Imagine stoplights and cars communicating with each other to optimize the flow of traffic. This isn't science fiction—it's the Internet of Things (IoT), i.e., objects that sense their surroundings and respond via the internet. As the global population rises and such technologies continue to develop, you might wonder—what will power this digital world of tomorrow?
शोधकर्ताओं ने अगली पीढ़ी के यादगार उपकरणों के लिए प्रतिरोध-स्विचिंग सामग्री के रूप में पतली फिल्म विकसित की है
2024-01-15 18:48:16
मेमरिस्टिव डिवाइस अपने आंतरिक प्रतिरोध को बनाए रखने में सक्षम हैं, इस प्रकार एकीकृत सर्किट का उपयोग करने वाले पारंपरिक उपकरणों की तुलना में बेहतर प्रदर्शन प्रदान करते हैं।इन उपकरणों के निर्माण के लिए कई सामग्रियों की खोज की गई है।हाल के वर्षों में, संक्रमण धातु ऑक्साइड धीरे-धीरे इस उद्देश्य के लिए व्यापक रूप से लोकप्रिय हो गए हैं।
NASA, Lockheed Martin reveal X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft
2024-01-15 18:48:16
NASA and Lockheed Martin formally debuted the agency's X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft Friday. Using this one-of-a-kind experimental airplane, NASA aims to gather data that could revolutionize air travel, paving the way for a new generation of commercial aircraft that can travel faster than the speed of sound.
'गोल्ड' हाइड्रोजन: दुनिया भर में प्राकृतिक भंडार बढ़ रहे हैं - लेकिन यह कितना उपयोगी है?
2024-01-15 17:38:36
हाइड्रोजन हमें जीवाश्म ईंधन से मुक्ति दिलाने में भूमिका निभाएगा।इसका उपयोग ट्रेनों, विमानों और एचजीवी को बिजली देने के लिए किया जा सकता है, साथ ही यह स्टील बनाने में कोक का कम कार्बन विकल्प और हमारे घरों को गर्म करने का एक तरीका है।
Zeroing in on the origins of bias in large language models
2024-01-15 17:38:36
When artificial intelligence models pore over hundreds of gigabytes of training data to learn the nuances of language, they also imbibe the biases woven into the texts.
Review of moisture swing sorbents for carbon dioxide capture from ambient air
2024-01-15 17:38:36
Progress has been made recently in carbon capture technology that might allow us to efficiently absorb carbon dioxide directly from the air and perhaps halt the rise of atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gas. The development of moisture swing sorbents as a technology in this area is discussed in an article published in the International Journal of Global Warming.
Not all carbon-capture projects pay off—Research maps the pros and cons of each to find clear winners and losers
2024-01-15 17:38:36
Capturing carbon dioxide from the air or industries and recycling it can sound like a win-win climate solution. The greenhouse gas stays out of the atmosphere where it can warm the planet, and it avoids the use of more fossil fuels.
New fuel cell harvests energy from microbes in soil to power sensors, communications
2024-01-15 17:19:18
A Northwestern University-led team of researchers has developed a new fuel cell that harvests energy from microbes living in dirt.
Researchers turn up the heat on flexible temperature sensor development using microwaves
2024-01-15 15:47:26
Engineers from UK universities have developed a new method of measuring temperature through the interaction of a soft and flexible "smart skin" sensor with electromagnetic waves.
Study shows AI could help power plants capture carbon using 36% less energy from the grid
2024-01-15 14:50:51
Using artificial intelligence (AI), scientists from the University of Surrey adjusted a system based on a real coal-fired power station. The model could capture 16.7% more carbon dioxide (CO2) while using 36.3% less energy from the U.K.'s national grid. The research is published in the journal Reaction & Chemistry Engineering.
Model outlines how ionic blockades influence energy recovery in forward bias bipolar membranes
2024-01-15 14:50:43
Bipolar membranes (BPMs) are a class of ion-exchange membranes typically comprising a cation- and an anion-exchange layer. While these membranes have recently been integrated in various electrochemical devices for a wide range of application, the processes underlying their operation are not yet fully understood.
Pee-cycling: Turning human urine into fertilizer
2024-01-14 15:33:15
The Rich Earth Institute in Vermont collects, pasteurizes and distributes recycled human urine as agricultural fertilizer, to return precious nutrients and minerals to the soil. Pee jokes are an occupational hazard.
ग्रीन टेक सीईएस में हवा से पानी पंप करता है
2024-01-13 16:21:13
जलवायु परिवर्तन से लड़ने और यहां तक ​​कि पतली हवा से ताजा पानी निकालने के उद्देश्य से प्रौद्योगिकी ने भीड़ को आकर्षित किया क्योंकि वार्षिक सीईएस गैजेट फ़ालतूगांजा ने अपना हरा पक्ष दिखाया।
What’s Behind the ‘Arctic Blast’ Plunging into the U.S.?
2024-01-13 13:25:24
This week’s cold snap across the U.S. will be one of “the most impressive Arctic outbreaks of this century,” one climate scientist says
2023 was the hottest year on record. It also pushed the world over a dangerous line.
2024-01-13 02:38:10
A new analysis shows 2023 exceeded 1.5C of warming on average for the first time, a key limit in the Paris Climate Agreement.
Researchers investigate how fuel cell-powered vehicles can reenergize overworked electricity grids
2024-01-12 22:01:56
University of Waterloo researchers are tapping into idled electric vehicles to act as mobile generators and help power overworked and aging electricity grids.

Showing 2341 to 2359 of 2359 results

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