Ciencia Noticias

Like humans, artificial minds can learn by thinking, review shows
2024-09-18 15:01:45
Some of the greatest discoveries don't come merely from observations but from thinking. Einstein developed theories about relativity through thought experiments, and Galileo derived insights about gravity through mental simulations.
'Play-putty' that reads the body's electric signals could open a new field of flexible biometric sensors
2024-09-18 15:01:45
A new study by University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers demonstrates the effectiveness of homemade play putty at reading brain, heart, muscle and eye activity. Published in Device, the research outlines the conductive properties of this material, so-named "squishy circuits."
Google invertirá en satélites e inteligencia artificial para detectar mejor los incendios forestales
2024-09-18 14:19:39
En medio de un brote de incendios forestales recientes en California, Google anunció un compromiso de gastar 13 millones de dólares para mejorar las imágenes satelitales para ayudar a rastrear y detectar incendios forestales, a partir del próximo año.
AI researcher discusses the new version of ChatGPT's advances in math and reasoning
2024-09-18 14:19:39
On Sept. 12, OpenAI announced a new ChatGPT model that the company says is substantially better at math and science than previous versions, which struggled with reasoning. An earlier model scored just 13% on the qualifying exam for the International Mathematical Olympiad (the top high school math competition). The new model, called "o1," raised that score to 83%.
El análisis proporciona información sobre la construcción subterránea
2024-09-17 23:21:28
La infraestructura a menudo sufre graves daños debido tanto a peligros geotécnicos naturales, como inundaciones o terremotos, como a peligros provocados por el hombre, como trabajos de construcción subterránea y excavaciones.
Study of ChatGPT reveals cultural bias skewed towards English-speaking and Protestant EU countries
2024-09-17 22:22:35
A study finds that ChatGPT expresses cultural values resembling people in English-speaking and Protestant European countries. Large language models, including ChatGPT, are trained on data that overrepresent certain countries and cultures, raising the possibility that the output from these models may be culturally biased.
Un nuevo dispositivo simplifica la manipulación de materiales 2D para twistrónica
2024-09-17 22:22:35
Un descubrimiento hace seis años tomó por asalto el mundo de la física de la materia condensada: el carbono ultrafino apilado en dos capas ligeramente torcidas se convirtió en un superconductor, y cambiar el ángulo de torsión entre las capas podría alternar sus propiedades eléctricas.El histórico artículo de 2018 que describe las "superredes de grafeno de ángulo mágico" lanzó un nuevo campo llamado "twistrónica", y el primer autor era el entonces estudiante graduado del MIT y reciente becario junior de Harvard, Yuan Cao.
In a step toward solar fuels, durable artificial photosynthesis setup chains two carbons together
2024-09-17 18:51:35
A key step toward reusing CO2 to make sustainable fuels is chaining carbon atoms together, and an artificial photosynthesis system developed at the University of Michigan can bind two of them into hydrocarbons with field-leading performance.
Report: Transmission and renewables would reduce carbon emissions, generation costs in western United States
2024-09-16 22:37:04
If all the high-voltage transmission currently under construction and in advanced stages of permitting is built by 2030 in the Western United States—enabling the construction of new renewable energy projects—carbon dioxide emissions in the Western United States would drop by 73% compared to 2005.
Team develops tougher concrete, inspired by bone
2024-09-16 22:36:56
Inspired by the architecture of human bone's tough outer layer, engineers at Princeton have developed a cement-based material that is 5.6 times more damage-resistant than standard counterparts. The bio-inspired design allows the material to resist cracking and avoid sudden failure, unlike conventional, brittle cement-based counterparts.
New world record in perovskite solar cell efficiency
2024-09-16 21:41:04
A research team has pushed the boundaries of solar cell technology. On July 3, a new world record for perovskite solar cell performance set by Professor Xu's (University of Science and Technology of China [USTC]) team was announced with a certified stable efficiency of 26.7%. The work is published in the journal Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications.
Optics-based battery diagnostics: Decoding of chemo-mechanical evolution
2024-09-16 21:41:03
NCM811 materials have been considered as the main cathode materials for high energy density Li-ion batteries. However, cracks of poly-crystalline NCM materials caused by stress accelerate the loss of active materials, limiting the life cycle. Hence, monitoring and understanding the chemo-mechanical evolution of NCM materials is of importance.
Autonomous vehicles could understand their passengers better with ChatGPT, research shows
2024-09-16 21:41:03
Imagine simply telling your vehicle, "I'm in a hurry," and it automatically takes you on the most efficient route to where you need to be.
Inspired by squids and octopi, a new screen stores and displays encrypted images without electronics
2024-09-16 21:41:03
A flexible screen inspired in part by squid can store and display encrypted images like a computer—using magnetic fields rather than electronics. The research is reported in Advanced Materials by University of Michigan engineers.
New algorithm helps enhance LLM collaboration for smarter, more efficient solutions
2024-09-16 21:41:02
Ever been asked a question you only knew part of the answer to? To give a more informed response, your best move would be to phone a friend with more knowledge on the subject.
Scientists reveal new electrochemical cell design for turning carbon dioxide into a green fuel
2024-09-16 19:43:59
Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have made strides forward in realizing industrial conversion of bicarbonate solution made from captured carbon to a formate solution, a green fuel. The research is published in the journal EES Catalysis.
Magnetically driven soft robot achieves high-speed jumping
2024-09-16 19:43:53
Many animal species, ranging from insects to amphibians and fish, use jumping as a means of moving within their surrounding environment. Jumping can be very advantageous for these animals, for instance, allowing them to reach higher branches of trees, swiftly escape from predators or move faster across long distances.
Distinguishing real sounds from deepfakes
2024-09-16 19:43:53
Deepfake videos generated by artificial intelligence grow increasingly difficult to identify as false, a challenge that could significantly skew the results of the upcoming presidential election.
Solving long-standing challenge in semiconductor manufacturing—a refined algorithm for detecting wafer defects
2024-09-16 19:43:52
Research published in the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology may soon help solve a long-standing challenge in semiconductor manufacture: the accurate detection of surface defects on silicon wafers. Crystalline silicon is the critical material used in the production of integrated circuits and in order to provide the computing power for everyday electronics and advanced automotive systems needs to be as pristine as possible prior to printing of the microscopic features of the circuit on the silicon surface.
Research explores potential of smart grid energy optimization
2024-09-16 18:55:19
SUNY Poly Assistant Professor Dr. Mahmoud Badr and peers recently published research titled "Reinforcement Learning for Fair and Efficient Charging Coordination for Smart Grid," in the journal Energies. The research investigates the use of reinforcement learning (RL) to improve the coordination of home battery system charging in a smart grid.

Showing 221 to 240 of 2219 results

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