Tecnología Noticias

Decenas de miles de personas se apuntan al plan francés de arrendamiento de coches eléctricos
2024-01-19 14:29:17
El gobierno francés se ha visto inundado de solicitudes de hogares de bajos ingresos para arrendar un automóvil eléctrico subsidiado por 100 euros (109 dólares) al mes, dijo el viernes el ministro de Medio Ambiente, Christophe Bechu.
Beyond algorithms: Sandra Rodriguez hacks AI tools for art
2024-01-19 08:15:09
Canadian artist and academic Sandra Rodriguez, by hacking artificial intelligence, hopes to demystify the novel technology topping the news of late, while showcasing its power and potential to brighten but also disrupt our lives.
Next-generation batteries could go organic, cobalt-free for long-lasting power
2024-01-18 23:35:25
In the switch to "greener" energy sources, the demand for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is surging. However, their cathodes typically contain cobalt—a metal whose extraction has high environmental and societal costs. Now, researchers in ACS Central Science report evaluating an earth-abundant, carbon-based cathode material that could replace cobalt and other scarce and toxic metals without sacrificing lithium-ion battery performance.
What the Red Sea crisis could mean for the electric vehicle industry and the planet
2024-01-18 23:35:22
Automotive giants Tesla and Volvo have announced pauses to the production of their electric vehicles (EVs) in Europe. Electric vehicles are seeing record sales and demand worldwide, but a lack of parts means that factories cannot sustain their production.
Reining in AI means figuring out which regulation options are feasible, both technically and economically
2024-01-18 23:35:22
Concern about generative artificial intelligence technologies seems to be growing almost as fast as the spread of the technologies themselves. These worries are driven by unease about the possible spread of disinformation at a scale never seen before, and fears of loss of employment, loss of control over creative works, and, more futuristically, AI becoming so powerful that it causes extinction of the human species.
Por qué los camiones eléctricos son nuestra mejor apuesta para reducir las emisiones del transporte por carretera
2024-01-18 23:35:22
El transporte es probablemente el sector económico más difícil de descarbonizar.Y los vehículos de carretera producen la mayor cantidad de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del sector del transporte australiano: el 85% de su total.Los camiones de carga representan sólo el 8% de los viajes en nuestras carreteras, pero el 27% de las emisiones del transporte.
Un equipo de investigación diseña un algoritmo de protección de la privacidad para una mejor comunicación inalámbrica
2024-01-18 23:35:22
En el mundo cada vez más interconectado de hoy, la comunicación de alta calidad se ha vuelto más vital que nunca.Estimar con precisión el estado dinámico de los canales de comunicación es un factor clave para lograrlo.Recientemente, un equipo de investigación conjunto diseñó un nuevo algoritmo que ofrece precisión de estimación de alto nivel y protección de la privacidad con bajos costos computacionales y de comunicación.Esta investigación fue publicada en Computación inteligente.
Australia plans to regulate 'high-risk' AI. Here's how to do that successfully
2024-01-18 23:34:47
This week, federal Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic announced the Australian government's response to the Safe and Responsible AI in Australia consultation.
The 5 best budget laptops for 2024
2024-01-18 22:00:45
If you need a laptop but don't want to spend a fortune, we've got you covered
Nueva herramienta analiza el sentimiento de los medios de comunicación con respecto a la industria naviera
2024-01-18 22:00:45
Un estudio publicado en el International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics ha introducido un nuevo índice de sentimiento de riesgo de la industria naviera (SRSI).Esta herramienta ha sido diseñada para analizar el sentimiento en los medios de comunicación sobre la industria naviera de Corea del Sur.El SRSI utiliza un método innovador que implica el análisis de texto de artículos de noticias de periódicos coreanos, centrándose en términos relacionados con las seis C del crédito: carácter, capacidad, capital, empresa, condiciones y garantía.
What is credential stuffing and how can I protect myself? A cybersecurity researcher explains
2024-01-18 21:27:24
Cyber-skullduggery is becoming the bane of modern life. Australia's prime minister has called it a "scourge", and he is correct. In 2022–23, nearly 94,000 cyber crimes were reported in Australia, up 23% on the previous year.
Nuevos métodos adaptativos de frecuencia mejoran el procesamiento de imágenes de teledetección
2024-01-18 21:27:24
Investigadores dirigidos por el profesor Xie Chengjun y el profesor asociado Zhang Jie de los Institutos Hefei de Ciencias Físicas de la Academia de Ciencias de China han desarrollado un novedoso método basado en el aprendizaje profundo para imágenes satelitales.
Electric cars jolt Europe sales for 2023
2024-01-18 21:27:23
New car sales in Europe rebounded by 13.9 percent in 2023 as electric vehicles overtook diesel for the first time, an industry group said on Thursday.
Quantum computing to spark 'cybersecurity Armageddon,' IBM says
2024-01-18 21:27:20
Governments and businesses are not prepared for the havoc quantum computers will sow in cybersecurity by the end of the decade, according to an International Business Machines Corp. executive.
Meta joins rivals in pursuit of human-level AI
2024-01-18 21:27:20
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday said his company is joining the pursuit of creating super artificial intelligence, putting it in a race with Microsoft-backed OpenAI and Google.
Mini-robots modeled on insects may be smallest, lightest, fastest ever developed
2024-01-18 21:27:20
Two insect-like robots, a mini-bug and a water strider, developed at Washington State University, are the smallest, lightest and fastest fully functional micro-robots ever known to be created.
Self-powered sensor automatically harvests magnetic energy
2024-01-18 17:15:48
MIT researchers have developed a battery-free, self-powered sensor that can harvest energy from its environment.
New, portable antenna could help restore communication after disasters
2024-01-18 17:15:48
Researchers from Stanford and the American University of Beirut have developed a lightweight, portable antenna that can communicate with satellites and devices on the ground, making it easier to coordinate rescue and relief efforts in disaster-prone areas.
Sheryl Sandberg, que ayudó a convertir Facebook en un imperio de la publicidad digital, dejará el consejo de administración de la empresa
2024-01-18 16:33:11
Sheryl Sandberg, quien ayudó a transformar Facebook de una startup tecnológica a un imperio de publicidad digital, dejará el directorio de Meta, la empresa matriz de Facebook.
Tiny AI-based bio-loggers revealing the interesting bits of a bird's day
2024-01-18 16:33:11
Have you ever wondered what wildlife animals do all day? Documentaries offer a glimpse into their lives, but animals under the watchful eye do not do anything interesting. The true essence of their behaviors remains elusive. Now, researchers from Japan have developed a camera that allows us to capture these behaviors.

Showing 7001 to 7020 of 7522 results

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